The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star is the biggest fraternal organization all across the world. Its members account to be nearly one million who are governed by the General Grand Chapter. It is renowned that The Order of the Eastern Star is Freemasonry for women and should in no way be muddled with co-masonry. It is a society that is specifically designed for women who have some relation with men who are affiliated with masonry. Its orders are based on the sayings and teachings of Bible, but it doesn’t mean the body is not open to everyone. The Order of the Eastern Star has some beliefs that are similar to Masonry. These include the following listed below. Undeniable trust in god Secrecy and oath Obey the bible Character building If you think that Order of the Eastern Star simply abides by the traditions and rituals, you’re wrong. They do have some odds with Biblical Christianity. They teach that people should pay attention to good works and community services. Anyone can beco...