Things You Probably Want To Know About The Scottish Rite
The Scottish Rite is one of the subordinate bodies of Freemasonry. In this group, the Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry. It is also concordant, and some of its degrees link to the stages or degrees of Symbolic Freemasonry. Let's take a look at the commonly asked questions about this rite: What is the Scottish Rite? The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, generally known as the Scottish Rite, is one of the many societies that are part of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. It is the largest and most widely practiced Masonic Rite in the world and operates a lodge system. While there is no Masonic level more important than that of Master Mason, there is a long tradition that is almost as old as Freemasonry and expands upon and elaborates the teachings and lessons of the first three degrees. Is the Scottish Rite a secret society? No. The Scottish Rite and other kinds of Freemasonry functi...